Recruiting and Attracting “Good and Talented People Worldwide”

Recruitment for Charoen Pokphand Group

For an organization to be successful and achieve its goals and objectives, one of the key factors is the organization's personnel, who must possess qualities that align with the organization's Core Values, be good people, and have knowledge and abilities. Therefore, Charoen Pokphand Group has incorporated the organization's Core Values into C.P. Group's recruitment process to search for talented and good people who are ready to grow with the organization sustainably, especially in recruiting new generations worldwide. C.P. Group recognizes the value of differences and diversity in race, culture, experience, and ideas.

The Group is committed to developing new generations who have an entrepreneurial mindset, are knowledgeable, dare to think, dare to act, have discipline,

and jointly develop the organization's personnel through the CP Future Leaders Development Program (FLP) or "Young Entrepreneurs (Tao Kae Noi)." The recruitment has been publicized through online social media channels, word-of-mouth from friends to friends, building bilateral cooperation with external agencies and various partners, as well as roadshows to leading educational institutions and target countries where personnel recruitment is desired through various projects and associations.

Employee Potential Development

Charoen Pokphand Group is committed to cultivating and developing the potential of our personnel to create quality leaders through leadership development programs or Action Learning Programs of CP Leadership Institute.

Leadership competency development, entrepreneurship, and adherence to the 6 Core Values of the organization are achieved through various projects within C.P. Group's business units to create career advancement opportunities. The training is divided according to the appropriateness for employees into 4 levels, consisting of:

Equipping with Skills

In addition to leadership development programs that create talented and good people, Charoen Pokphand Leadership Institute is committed to equipping Tao Kaes and all employees in C.P. Group with well-rounded knowledge and skills. Especially, new skills for the future and leadership are developed to be tools for work and efficiently extending new businesses, as well as preparing for work where technology plays a significant role in the business in Era 5.0.

Charoen Pokphand Leadership Institute has knowledge management and retail business knowledge management, which is the knowledge center of Charoen Pokphand Group covering business, people development, as well as success lessons and failure lessons learned from C.P. Group's executives, experts, and participants of the Leadership Institute's programs. This supports the Life-long Learning Culture of Charoen Pokphand Group to occur sustainably.

CP Leadership Institute

Personnel training through C.P. Group's Action Learning Program in 2022

With the ambition to continuously cultivate and develop personnel’s potential for quality leadership, Charoen Pokphand Group has established Charoen Pokphand Leadership Institute.

Number of executives and employees participating in the Leadership Development Programs (Tao Kae)


The proportion of executives and employees participating in the Tao Kae Programs in 2022

Proportion of employees
participating in FLP
2,067 Employees
Proportion of employees
participating in PLP
1,436 Employees
Proportion of employees
participating in LDP
151 Employees
Proportion of employees
participating in SLP
36 Employees