A program that focuses on developing leadership potential through hands-on business practices, bringing together experiences from various areas to jointly analyze existing businesses, extend to creating new businesses, and synergizing within C.P. Group to expand business results globally. The participants will be assigned to oversee businesses covering regional, national, and international levels, as well as continue important strategic projects from the Senior Leadership Program (SLP) to sustainably create new generation top executives of Charoen Pokphand Group.


A leadership development program through hands-on business practices, analyzing existing businesses, and extending to creating new businesses with sustainable synergy.

Defining strategies, plans, and clear success indicators to achieve the goals of the entire business unit.
Developing leadership potential according to C.P. Group's leadership characteristics.
Learning and actual practicing.
Leading change in the organization, being a knowledge transferrer to colleagues, subordinates, and extending to create new generation leaders.

Program Details

CP Leaders Development Program (LDP)

Qualifications of Program Participants:

Those who have completed Charoen Pokphand Potential Leaders Development Program (PLP) from C.P. Group's business units.