Charoen Pokphand Leadership Institute is missioned with the task of creating leaders and extending businesses for the future of Charoen Pokphand Group, as per the initiative of Senior Chairman Dhanin Chearavanont. This involves developing the potential of personnel through hands-on practices in creating model businesses, which lead to the creation of "Charoen Pokphand Future Leaders Development Program or FLP". The program focuses on developing the potential of the new generation into well-rounded leaders in C.P. Group's style.


The first pivotal step on the path to growing into a future executive of Charoen Pokphand Group starts with FLP.

The FLP Program, therefore, focuses on developing the potential of the new generation to become well-rounded leaders in C.P. Group's style with comprehensive knowledge through hands-on business practices. Throughout the 6-month period, the participants will receive close guidance from highly experienced and knowledgeable top executives from various business units both domestic and overseas.

A platform to demonstrate potential in strategic planning and taking action to address business strategies.
Developing leadership potential and Tao Kae in C.P. Group's style.

Learning and practicing throughout the

6 months

Enhancing business skills through knowledge transfer from experienced individuals and experts in various fields.
Recruitment and Development
Recruit and develop a new generation of leaders for the future of the Group with skills and knowledge that are in alignment with C.P. Six Core Values, goals, and Business Units (ฺBUs) of the participants in the program, to practice.
Driving Business
One of the Group’s business strategies on accepting rapid change such as reducing complexity of each organizational process and encouraging synergy to strengthen the business within C.P. Group’s businesses in Thailand and internationally.
Program Centralization and Development
Centralize and develop knowledge from each program by taking hands-on experience, create Success Lessons (T-ded), and report Failure Lessons from generation to generation.
Synergy to Break Down Silos
Synergize by leveraging strengths while strengthening weaknesses with every business in C.P. Group or other business partners outside the Group and break down silo or increase work process efficiency with speed to the utmost benefit

Program Details

CP Future Leaders Development Program (FLP)

Qualifications of Program Participants:

  • New graduates or personnel from C.P. Group's business units, aged not over 26 years old.
  • Those with knowledge, abilities, demonstrated leadership potential, and other qualifications as specified by the affiliated company.

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