11 April 2024

CPLI Donates Rice to Nong Nam Daeng Subdistrict Administrative Organization for Distribution to Elderly and Underprivileged Residents

CP Leadership Institute (CPLI) is committed to community development and creating sustainable social value. In line with this commitment, CPLI has donated 545 kilograms of rice to the Nong Nam Daeng Subdistrict Administrative Organization for distribution to elderly and underprivileged residents during the Songkran Festival, Elderly Day, and Family Day celebrations in 2024. And the rice was collected through a combination of organizational support and employee contributions.

This donation reflects CPLI's dedication to the CP Group's "Three Benefits" principle, which emphasizes the benefits for the nation, society, and individuals. It also demonstrates the company's commitment to giving back to the community and fostering strong relationships with its neighbors.

Representatives from CPLI's Corporate Governance and Communications Department presented the rice to Mr. Kachon Yaisun, Deputy Chief of Nong Nam Daeng Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Mr. Yaisun expressed his gratitude for the donation and pledged to distribute the rice fairly to those in need.

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