23 March 2024

CPLI Calls to 'Turn Off the Lights... Let the Earth Rest' in the 60+ Earth Hour Event, Joining the Important Demonstration of Power to Create a Sustainable Future

Charoen Pokphand Leadership Institute (CPLI) is committed to placing importance on energy and the environment, as well as using energy wisely. Thus, CPLI has joined this important event that campaigns for people to turn off unnecessary lights for 1 hour, together with 7,000 cities in 190 countries around the world, every last Saturday of March, between 20:30 hrs. - 21:30 hrs. local time for each city. This year, it fell on Saturday, March 23, 2024.

Throughout the 1 hour, CPLI turned off all the lights in front of the main building, reduced the lighting in the central walkway and outside the building by half, and decreased the capacity of the air conditioning machinery during the 60+ Earth Hour event, participating in this event helped reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 130.94 kgCO2/kWh.

#EarthHour #SaveEnergy #ShutdownfortheEarthforFuture #CONNECT2EARTH
#CPLI #CPLeadershipInstitute #WorldClaseLeadershipDevelopmentInstitute