CPLI Advances Sustainable Future, Achieving Its 8th LESS Recognition for the Initiative “CPLI Going Greener (Sort for Sustainability)”
CP Leadership Institute (CPLI) has been honored with its eighth letter of recognition from the Low Emission Support Scheme (LESS), organized by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO). This recognition highlights the success of the initiative “CPLI Going Greener (Sort for Sustainability)”, which effectively reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 28.957 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. The initiative emphasizes systematic waste management through source-level waste separation, increasing the volume of recyclable waste and channeling it to capable recycling facilities.
Driven by its commitment to responsible business operations, CPLI has accumulated a total of eight LESS certificates across three key categories: forestry and agriculture, waste management, and energy. Together, these initiatives have achieved a remarkable reduction of 2,751.558 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.
CPLI firmly believes that collective small actions, such as waste separation and energy conservation, pave the way toward a sustainable future. The institute remains dedicated to instilling ESG principles in the younger generation, fostering a shared responsibility to preserve and pass on a livable planet to future generations.
#CPLIGoingGreener #LeaderinSustainability
#CPLI #CPLeadershipInstitute #WorldClassLeadershipDevelopmentInstitute