09 八月 2024

CPLI Prioritizes Safety with Comprehensive Fire Prevention and Evacuation Training for 2024

CP Leadership Institute (CPLI) places the utmost importance on the safety of seminar participants and employees, particularly in fire prevention, a hazard that poses significant risks to both lives and property. In recognition of this, CPLI organized its annual 2024 Basic Firefighting and Emergency Evacuation Training, which included simulated fire scenarios to test readiness and response capabilities. The training aimed to equip CPLI employees and business partners with the knowledge and skills necessary for safe evacuation during emergencies.

This training initiative was supported by several government and private sector entities, including the Nong Nam Daeng Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Pak Chong Police Station, and Bangkok Hospital Pak Chong, whose collaboration contributed to the success of the training.

Annual fire evacuation drills are essential preparedness measures mandated by ministry regulations for all organizations. Regular fire safety and evacuation training ensure that personnel can respond to emergencies effectively, remain calm under pressure, and evacuate to designated assembly points in an orderly manner.

CPLI's 2024 training session achieved its objectives, with all personnel gaining the essential skills and preparation needed to ensure maximum safety and efficiency in the event of an emergency.

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