13 五月 2024

The Supanniga trees, cultivated from seeds by young leaders during an environmental awareness activity at CP Leadership Institute (CPLI)

The Supanniga trees, cultivated from seeds by young leaders during an environmental awareness activity at CP Leadership Institute (CPLI), have flourished under the expert care of the CPP team. These robust saplings have now embarked on their journey to the Dhaweedhamma, Dhamma Practice Center, Pakchong, where they will be planted by 12 novice monks. This act symbolizes the cultivation of Dharma wisdom, self-growth, and a commitment to preserving the environment.

We extend our gratitude for the images and descriptions of the activity provided by "True little monk."

Read more at https://www.facebook.com/truelittlemonkthailand/posts/pfbid0uDrwZEz5b9mp2YL7vHy4fdTuCRAtTiS56nZkJ5eUinAN8ePSeZBuz6WQhCGiWqrxl